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1. New York 55
Also known as WLNY TV-55 or simply WLNY, New York 55 is an American television station founded in April 1985 and principally available to viewers in the state of New York. Its analogue broadcasts on channel 55 ceased at the end of 2005, making New York 55 something of a misnomer.

In February of that same year, the Knightmare Discussion Forum welcomed a new member, NYGuy322. Real name Dane, he revealed himself to be a New Yorker and a Knightmare fan. (To many, if not all, he was the first American KM fan to be heard of since Johnny Burkhart.) When Opera Babe (Velda incognito) asked: 'Did you see KM on digital/cable TV? I had no idea it was being shown in America :D', NYGuy322 replied: 'Sci-Fi channel had it for about a year on and off and New York 55 (that's the channel's name) showed series 5 and 6 for a brief time.' Thus the Knightmare community learned (or in some cases, had it confirmed) that Knightmare was shown in the USA.

The website of New York 55 is here.

Provided By: David, 2007-02-18 20:14:40
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2. New York 55
New York 55 is an american TV channel which showed Knightmare series 5&6 for only a brief time. Obviously, this channel is shown in New York :).

Provided By: Lewis, 2005-02-27 18:23:17
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